
The formation of the Caribbean Association for Distance and Open Learning (CARADOL) was one of the goals of the Caribbean Universities Project for Integrated Distance Education (CUPIDE). The inaugural meeting of CARADOL was held on the UWI's audioteleconference network on March 2, 2004.

Launch of CARADOL

An official launch of CARADOL was held in Trinidad and Tobago on February 11 and 12, 2005, co-hosted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Trinidad and Tobago. During the symposium, a Powerpoint® presentation on CUPIDE was given by the Project Operations Manager.

Launch of CARADOL

Launch of CARADOL

Senator, the Hon. Satish Ramroop (second left), Minister of State, MSTTE, speaking with (l-r) Dr. Olabisi Kuboni, UWIDEC; Stafford Griffith (CXC); Thecla Reyes, Permanent Secretary, MSTTE; and Wesley Barrett, Vice-President, CARADOL.

Senator, the Hon. Hazel Manning, Minister of Education, poses with (l-r) Lystra Sampson-Ovid, Secretary, CARADOL; Jerome Miller-Vaz, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, CARADOL; Sharon Mangroo, Director of Curriculum Development, MOE.

Launch of CARADOL

Launch of CARADOL

The Feature Address at the ceremony was delivered by Sir John Daniel, President, Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Senator, the Honourable Satish Ramroop, Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education delivering an address at the launch.


Steering Committee

To facilitate the establishment of the regional association, a Steering Committee was convened. It comprised the following members who served for the period leading up to the establishment of the association.


Dr. Morella Joseph, Chair, CARICOM
Mr. Seymour Riley, Jamaican Association for Distance and Open Learning (JADOL)
Mrs. Paula Daniel, Caribbean Association of Chief Education Officers
Mrs. Deborrah Thomas, Distance education interest group, Guyana
Mr. Eduardo Ali, Distance Learning Secretariat, Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE), Trinidad & Tobago
Mr. Fitzroy Marcus, CUPIDE Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
Dr. Dennis Irvine, Advisor
Ms. Christine Marrett, CUPIDE Project Manager
Ms. Carol-Marie D'Azevedo, CUPIDE Project Assistant

The work of the steering committee was carried out largely through a Constitution Sub-Committee, chaired by Mr. Riley, and an Events and Mobilization Sub-Committee, chaired by Mr. Ali.


Terms of Reference for Steering Committee for Regional Association

Meeting Summary - First Steering Committee Meeting - May 5, 2003

CARADOL Report on Launch and Symposium - February 18, 2005

Commonwealth Cooperation in Distance Education - Sir John Daniel at CARADOL Launch, February 11, 2005